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A Novel by Keith Henderson

The Beekeeper

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The Beekeeper

Young, impressionable, twenty-year-old Walter Taylor flees his suburban home in search of freedom and adventure and stumbles into more than he bargained for. Set in a chaotic bee-farm at the height of the 1960s, home to a bohemian, European-born artist and his mistresses, The Beekeeper is filled with allusion, irony, and high humour, yet sets in stark relief the fund of violence and ignorance that underlay the romantic dreams of the 1960s.

Henderson has written a hilarious satirical portrait of the last generation’s counter-culture movement, as well as an original and thought-provoking assessment that what produced this rebellion was to a large measure, transplanted European ideas originating not only in the last century but beyond.

Critical Comment

“Amusing ... sketches of some eccentric ’60s intellectuals as they lounge in the Ontario countryside.... The characters are beautifully realized.... Henderson is hilarious when he’s mocking the cerebral pretensions of the bohemian set.”

— Books in Canada

“A roisterous jaunt through male envy.... ”

— The Edmonton Journal

“Fast-paced and well written...[with many] interesting observations about the effect decadent European sensibilities had on the Canadian artistic landscape of the era.”

— The Globe and Mail

Author Keith Henderson

Keith Henderson author

Author Biography

Keith Henderson has published five other novels, (The Restoration, 1994, Sasquatch and the Green Sash, 2018, The Roof Walkers, 2013, Acqua Sacra, 2016, and Mont Babel, 2020), a collection of political essays from when he was Quebec columnist for the Financial Post (Staying Canadian, 1997), as well as a prize-winning collection of short stories, (The Pagan Nuptials of Julia, 2006.) He led a small provincial political party in Quebec during the separatist referendum of 1995 and championed English language rights and the “poison pill” strategy of partitioning Quebec if ever Quebec partitioned Canada. He taught English Literature for many years at Vanier College in Montreal.

Visit Keith Henderson's personal blog.

49th Shelf

The Beekeeper,Keith Henderson, 2nd Edition, 144 pp., 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, Novel, July 2006

ISBN: 978-0-919688-21-6 (paper). . .$17.95

ISBN: 978-0-919688-22-3 (Hard Cover*) . . . $32.95

* This book is “perfect bound” with an add-on hard cover, no dust jacket.

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