Category Archives: DC News

Italy-Canada Tour

Rome, Siena, Bologna, Tagliacozzo, Montreal

March 13th to 17th; April 6th & 27th, 2018
CONTACT: giuliana pendenza — DC Books communications         |

Acqua Sacra

DC Books is proud to announce the Canada-Italy tour
of Acqua Sacra in Italian translation, Keith Henderson’s
novel on white collar crime in Abruzzo and in Quebec (Edizioni Kirke, Avezzano). In Italy the tour features the author, in Canada the author together with the translator, Fiorella Paris.


Preview on Monday 12th March, Interview with journalist Annalisa Coppolaro, Bar Caracas, Via Camollia 67, Siena

March 13th in Siena: Liceo G.Galilei, sponsored by
CanaDiana, Laura Failli

March 15th in Bologna: Centro Alfredo Rizzardi, Prof.
Carla Comellini

March 17th in Rome: Canadian Club of Rome Book
Club, Prof. Luigi Girolametto

April 6th in Tagliacozzo: Associazione Culturale Marsicana, Emanuele Nicolini

April 27th in Montreal: DC Books spring launch at the Blue Met, 6:30 pm – Paragraphe Book Store

“In Acqua Sacra we find ourselves in a somewhat uncomfortable position, work suspended in the house, a confrontation with the mother of the workers supposed to finish the job. But in exchange for prosecutorial immunity, Susanna becomes involved in a Canadian operation far beyond the scope of normalcy. Her unease about her situation is made clear in a precise psychological portrait Keith Henderson renders perfectly in a series of metaphors that act as a summary of Susanna Ricci’s self-assessment: her distaste for roller coasters, her vertigo at heights, her love of quiet, unhurried driving, her refusal to learn to ski. The final portions of the book intensify the shift toward crime novel. And here both the fantasy and reality of our times combine in situations that lend an entirely different and enriching flavour to so lively a book…. Truly a fine novel.”

— GIANFRANCO FORMICHETTI, City Councillor responsible for Cultural Matters, City of Rieti, Author of Vita di Antonio Vivaldi, Giunti Editore

Robert Edison Sandiford a non-fiction judge for the 2018 OCM Bocas Prize.

Robert Edison Sandiford is one of the non-fiction judges for the 2018 OCM Bocas Prize.

The NGC Bocas Lit Fest in Trinidad and Tobago administers the annual award, which recognizes the best books of poetry, fiction, and literary non-fiction published in English in the previous calendar year by a writer of Caribbean birth or citizenship living anywhere in the world. Entries are made by publishers, though judges may request other published titles for consideration.

The annual literary award, now open for entries, carries a cash prize of US$10,000 for the overall winner, with two prizes of US$3,000 for the category winners. These are sponsored by One Caribbean Media.

Every year, the prize has ten judges in all, distinguished writers, scholars and publishing professionals. There are three judges for each category, including a chair who will form part of the final judging panel of four persons, the fourth being the overall judge. For 2018, the head judge will be the Poet Laureate of Jamaica, Lorna Goodison.

The other two Bocas Prize non-fiction judges are Judy Raymond and Jeremy Taylor.

The reading period runs from November to February. The judges come up with a shortlist of three books and then the winner in each category.

The winning title in each category will be judged for the award of best title of the year, to be announced in April at the festival.

For more information on the award, please visit: