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Poetry by Greg Santos

Rabbit Punch!

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Rabbit Punch!

In Rabbit Punch!, Marco Polo reminisces on his friendship with Kublai Khan over deli sandwiches, Wilfred Owen and Ernest Hemingway trade war stories at Hooters, and Senator John McCain remembers that fateful day when his father took him to eat bubble gum ice cream. With punchy poems that are intimate, dark, enigmatic, playful, and surreal, peppered with pop culture figures ranging from Batman, to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Paris Hilton to  “Macho Man” Randy Savage, Rabbit Punch! delivers a poetic KO.

Critical Comment

“​Overall, Greg Santos’ work in Rabbit Punch! is a solid mashup of campy wit and a tethering darkness where, one minute, you can be having lunch with Marco Polo and then skipping church to get smashed with Ezra Pound and T.S. Eliot at Hooters, only to wake up next to Tara Reid the following morning, contemplating the theory of the universe. Just remember to wear the boxing gloves..."

Jet Fuel, 2020

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"Rabbit Punch! breaks the neck of poetry and stuffs it in a bag and trudges with it through the forest and spills it out onto the kitchen table, where Tara Reid and John Ashbery dig in. This is a funny, creepy, reverent, irreverent and insolent collection. And likely the only one in the history of literature to mention Tara Reid on the back cover.” – Stuart Ross

MRB Review:

Interview with Nine Day Wonder:

Interview with Black Heart Magazine:

From the Small Press Book Review:

“Help is on the way for the Anglophone reader in a global poetry world. Rabbit Punch!, the second collection by Greg Santos, offers an admirable finesse to the reader who craves good verse.”

See full review:

Review in The Link:

Review in Resonance Café blog:

“This punch will leave the reader intoxicated.”

From Michael Dennis,

"Greg Santos is one skilled cat.  You might think he is a sprinter at first, these poems race by so fast with their jet-speed alacrity.

You could also make a good argument that Santos could be a stand-up comic of a particular type of brilliance -- throwing out poems so quick, so deft, so off-the-cuff, that they could easily be mistaken for one-liners but in fact, this a feast of punch lines.

Punches coming at you so fast and furious you'll be punch-drunk in no time."

Author Greg Santos

Greg Santos


Author Biography

Greg Santos is the author of The Emperor's Sofa (DC Books). He holds an MFA in Creative Writing from The New School in Manhattan. Greg is a poetry editor for carte blanche and teaches the art of verse to at-risk youth. He lives in Montreal with his wife and two children.

49th Shelf

Rabbit Punch!, Greg Santos, 60 pp., 5 x 8, Poetry, April 2014

ISBN: 978-1-927599-22-8 (paper) . . . $17.95

ISBN: 978-1-927599-23-5 (Bound)* . . . $32.95

* This book is “perfect bound” with an add-on hard cover, no dust jacket.

List prices above do NOT include applicable taxes. Offer prices DO!

Also by the Author

The Emperor's Sofa, 92 pp., 5 x 8, November 2010, Poetry — ISBN: 978-1-897190-67-8 (paper) . . . $16.95 — ISBN: 978-1-897190-68-5 (Hard Cover) . . . $31.95

Ghost Face, 83 pp., 5 x 8, Poetry, September 2020 — ISBN: 978-1-927599-51-8 (paper) . . . $19.95


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